Electrastim Electrosex Cock Loops
Warning:<br />Current must never flow through the heart. Do not use if you have a pacemaker, are pregnant, if you suffer from epilepsy, or on any broken or inflamed skin.<br /><br />Size: Adjustable up to 1.75 inches These unique cock loop electrodes are manufactured from a non-stretch metallic coil and hence give excellent stimulation and comfort. This product is a good alternative to metal cock rings because they allow the user to adjust the size. Not suitable if you have a width greater than 1.75 inches! Use one ElectraLoop near the tip of you cock and the other one around the base. Adjust each loop to the required size using the sliding adjuster and add a lick of conductive gel (see Sundries/Gel & Lube) to each loop at the point of skin contact. Connect each loop to the ElectraStim cable and you're ready to go! <br /> *Lubricants are a natural up-sell to electro stim toys as they are needed to completed the circuit between the toy and skin, and also help avoid skin irritation. Water based lubricants are recommended based on their high ability to conduct electricity. Silicone is a natural resistor and is not recommended.<br /><br /><div>Please Note: This item requires a powerbox to function. </div><div></div>